EVO Laser Applications: FDA cleared, Internal human, horse, dog and exotics protocols
Waveforms: CW, Pulse, Multi-phase
Stock: Yes
Delivery: 3-day standard
Warranty: 5 Years on the laser, 1 year on handpiece

$9,950 to $14,995
4 Options:
S9: Single wavelength 9 W @ 810nm
D30: Dual 810nm/980nm delivers 25j/sec pulsing
Q27: 637/810/980/905 Quad delivers 25j/sec pulsing
FX: 810/980/1064 Triple 45j/sec pulsing

Finally, there is top-quality FDA cleared class-4 laser that follows all the best practices for the industry and offers high-end features and great support at a reasonable price. The G2 EVOlaser design is similar to the Italian-made "gold standard" Eltech K-Laser® but with some major upgrades (Compare EVO to K-laser). It also has several big technical advantages when compared to a LightForce® laser like adjustable duty cycle (on/off ratio when pulsing) and multi-step pulsing (Compare EVO to LightForce).

In general, the EVO is actually better than other systems that can cost from $20K to $50K systems. The EVOlaser packs a large 7.2 inch graphic touchscreen into a small overall package so it provides a great compromise between portability and ease of programming when compared to some class-4 systems with tiny or non-graphic displays. It is also much more compact than some of the bulky housings of other clunky class-4 systems.

All EVOlaser have a primary wavelength of 810nm and they offer up to 4 wavelengths. Recent independent research has shown that 810nm is the best wavelength for deep photo-chemical reaction in the mitochondria and it delivers great results for almost all application where photobiomodulation is the primary goal. At 9 watts, the EVO S9 is an incredible option for increasing cellular activity.

In the research, they found that 810nm provides up to 30 times the penetration as 980nm systems BUT 980nm is better at reducing pain and inflammation so this explains why a lot of pain clinics mainly use 980nm. The dual wavelength version give equal power to both 810nm and 980nm so it is the best system for structural problems that include damaged cells, inflammation and pain because it give a great balance between short-term (pain and inflammation reduction) and long-term benefits (increased cellular activity).

The EVOlaser Q27 offer 980nm, 905nm and 625nm as a secondary wavelengths and they are independently controlled just like the high-end multi-wavelength systems. As a secondary or tertiary wavelength, these options add flexibility for muscle relaxation (at 980nm) and increased circulation (at 980nm), increased blood absorption ( at 625nm and 905nm) and the better superficial work like wound management (625nm). If you are looking for a system with maximum flexibility, the Q27 is the best option for the money. EVOlasers easily switches between pulsing and continuous wave and includes an extensive internal protocol library. All systems come in a waterproof case with 3 pairs of glasses.

Looking for even more power, check out the EVOlaser FX.

Power & Wavelength 9 W @810nm Total Power of Diodes: 30w
15 W @ 810nm
15 W @ 980nm
Delivery: 25 J/sec CW
Total Power of Diodes: 27w
9 W @ 810nm
9 W @ 905nm
9 W @ 980nm
200mW @ 635nm
Delivery: 25 J/sec CW
Typical Dosage 2,700 joules in 5 minutes 7,500 joules in 5 minutes 7,500 joules in 5 minutes with wavelength diversity
Best Application Huge step up from most class 1-3b laser systems. Best for deep issues.*1 Perfect for treating structural AND muscular issues. Perfect for Chiropractic. The best options for hips and neuropathy. Best for Vet, Equine, and Acupuncture.*2 Maximum flexibility. It does everything well.
Price $9,950 US
Buy Now
$12,995 US
Buy Now
$14,995 US
Buy Now

*1The D30 can deliver 15 joules/sec at 810nm (the most effective wavelength to drive the energy deep and still get a photochemical reaction. It also can deliver 15 watts at 980nm (for optimum pain and inflammation control) OR both wavelengths simultaneously up to 25 j/sec, even while pulsing. Compare this to a LiteForce™ 25 watt laser, which only delivers 12.5 j/sec pulsing.

*2With the addition of 635nm (best for skin, hoof and other shallow applications) and 905 (best for blood work associated with more complex problems), the Q27 exchanges some of the deep 810nm power to give more flexibility. It will deliver up to 9 joules/sec at 810, 905, or 980nm OR a total of 25 joules/sec when using all wavelengths.

5-Year Warranty

All Gen 2 EVOlasers come with a 5-year warranty on the laser and 1 year on the handpiece. When it comes to quality, the EVOlaser crushes the competition with a 5-year warranty. The Gen 2 design removes the external connection to the fiber cable and integrates the connection inside the housing similarly to the Klaser. Over the years, we know that the external connection is a huge weak link and the cause of most of the class-4 failures. Now that this connection is moved inside the house, the system is now one of the most durable systems on the market. This new design allows for the cable to be wrapped around the base. This reduces the potential for kinking and crushing of the cable in transport and makes the system more reliable. These design elements allow EVO to offer a full 5-year warranty. If the handpiece is not dropped on hard surface, it will easily last 5 years but drop damage is an issue with all class-4 lasers. The system can also be serviced after the warranty period so this will still be a great system in 5 to 10 years.

3 Compact Models & 1 Large Format

EVOlaser offers 3 different compact models for different type of users. After years of supporting a wide range of practitioners, we came to the conclusion that most practitioners really don't need to deliver over 60 joules/sec. Although these are the highest profit lasers (so many manufacturers really push them), very few practitioners have the volume of patients to make it worth the trade-offs of a typical 60-watt system. After looking at the trade-offs of price, weight, reliability and safety on the extremely high power lasers, we made the decision to focus on the sweet spot where we see the best result and best ROI without the downsides of over-powered machines. This means that all the EVOlaser range from 9 to 45 watts.

The 9-watt 810nm is a great entry level class 4 laser with the most popular wavelength for structural problems. Moving to the dual wavelength (810nm and 980nm) is great for both structural and muscular issues and it somewhat of a standard for pain clinics. If you want even more wavelength diversity, a quad-wavelength is available. This system delivers 27 watts at 630, 810, 915 and 980nm. This system gives more flexibility for anyone who treating problems other structural and muscular.

Optional Accessories

Hands-free cart, emitter, remote & flex arm - This turnkey hands-free kit includes an adjustable-height aluminum cart with the flexible armature. This system also includes an extra optics to spread the energy out over a 4-inch diameter area making it safe for static therapies. This system is safer than other hands free systems because the wireless remote can be given to the patient so they can quickly shut down the system if there is any issue. : $1,400.00 Buy Now

handfree-evo EVO wireless remote

Magna Cart - A lower cost option for a busy office. This mostly metal system protects the laser and keeps everything organized. $799 Buy Now


Image Emitter Price
Standard Emitter Standard Cage - The standard emitter is adjustable from 1/2 to 1-1/2 inch treatment area and open cage design reduces heating (but should mostly be used at 1-1/2 treatment size). Includes optional clear covers. Included
EVO-EMT Tip ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)* - This curved handpiece has a treatment diameter of .28 inches (7 mm). This accessory allows for acupuncture, trigger point therapy, ear-nose-throat work and any application like Toe Nail Fungus.


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Small Glass Emitter Small Glass* - This emitter has the same treatment size at the standard emitter but has a smooth surface to slip over skin better. It may get very warm at higher power levels.


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Large Emitter Large Glass - This emitter is best for treating muscular areas like the IT band as it can be pressed into the tissue to provide pressure while lazing. $450Buy Now
EVO hand free Large 4-Inch Cage -This large emitter is mainly for hands-free therapies but can also be used to for higher delivery rates into dark pigment skin, fur or hair.


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*Warning: Smaller emitters can not handle full power. The ENT is limited to about 2 watts if the probe is held stationary on a light skin person (dark skin user may have to further reduce the power) to insure no heating at the treatment site. It can deliver much higher power if it is kept moving. The system does not automatically turn down the power.

Internal Battery: This option is for an internal battery that will operate the EVOlaser for about 40 minutes.

$400 Buy Now

Superior Protocol Support

evolaser-program-dosageWe know, based on over 20 years of experience, that most laser companies don't put much effort into their protocols. In many of the "huge" protocol libraries form other companies, only the name of the protocol changes. They all default to to delivering max power for 10 minutes and no pulsing. Some systems will put the same dosage into an arthritic thumb as the put into a bad hip, defying all logic and therapy standards. The advanced internal library on the EVOlaser works perfectly with our extended protocol library to set the laser up to get the best result for each condition listed in the library. If you have used another high-end system, then you will really appreciate the effort that went into the EVOlaser protocols. It has one of the best internal protocol libraries of any high end laser and better protocols deliver superior results.

Fully Adaptive Protocols and Programmable Duty Cycle

evolaser chronicityThe EVOlaser follows the best industry practices (like our protocol library) by adapting the treatment parameters to the patient. The setup screen to the left shows how each protocol is adapted based on the patient size, skin color and the chronicity of the condition. In addition to follow the best industry practices, the EVOlaser system allow for manually over-riding the standards. One of the secrets of the laser industry is the effect of duty-cycle (on/off ratio) on the dosage delivery. Many systems like the LiteForce® use a fixed 50% duty cycle. What this means is that users are paying a very high price to get a 25-watt system (that costs about $30,000) that only puts out 12.5 joules/second anytime they are pulsing the laser. Since you pulse the laser for most application, most users are wasting a huge amount of money because they are confused by the specification and how they change the performance. The EVOlaser solve this problem by providing users the ability to program the duty cycle. With the EVOlaser, you can set up to a 99% duty cycle so that means that an EVOlaser D30 pulsing at 99% will delivers more power (19 joules/second) and save you $16K+ when compared to a LiteForce® system. It makes you wonder why anyone would ever overpay so much.

Beauty and Functionality

The beauty of the EVOlaser is more than just skin deep. The product is built with the highest quality components from top to bottom so you can expect many years of trouble-free service. The EVOlaser system performs a self-check at boot up so you know it is working properly.

The specially-designed emitter uses a flexible fiber-optic cable and emitter with a built-in on/off finger switch for great easy of use.


The EVOlaser sticks to the highest efficacy wavelength for deep ATP production like 810nm as the primary wavelength and allows secondary wavelengths for 980nm on the dual and adds 905nm and 625nm to the quad. Although these wavelength have a shallower depth of penetration, they are great for supplemental therapies. For animals with hoof and blood related problems, the 625nm wavelength is preferred and when you want a wavelength where most of the energy is converted into heat, the 980nm can be used for increasing circulation and extra pain control. This system give practitioners full access so they can optimize their treatment for a wide variety of applications. The EVO laser provides for a very high 3-dimensional power density that many experts think is the key to better therapeutic outcomes. Although lower power devices can deliver the same total energy level given enough time, they can never reach the same power density of the EVOlaser class-4 systems.


For some practices, minimizing patient treatment times while still delivering great results is a high priority. For these types of practices, the 30 watt EVOlaser provides a cost effective solution. Practitioners can deliver 4800 joules in 2 minutes so this device gives you the option to have extremely short treatment times or deliver high dosages for maximum impact for their patients. Because the EVOlaser has the programmable duty cycle (on/off ratio), you can deliver 4300 joules pulsing in 2-3 minutes. This totally crushes most other systems that have a fixed duty cycle of 50% or less. EVOlaser, you can create custom protocols that include high duty cycle pulsing. We often recommend pulsing in the 4 - 40 Hz but at a 95% or more duty cycle. This give practitioners both pulsing and higher dosage. Very few other systems on the market allow this control at any price.


Unlike some other Class 4 lasers, EVOlaser does not require a long startup time. Turn it on and the laser boots up and is ready for service. Similar products can take up to 4 minutes to warm up the laser before you can start your first therapy. EVOlaser systems are built using much of the same design principals as surgical lasers so they are design for critical operation and made to last.

In the picture on the left, you can see an EVOlaser on the Magna cart (build originally for Multiradiance lasers). We love this combination because the cart is at a good standing or sitting height and it is all metal so it is heavy enough that it will not tip over. The pocket in the front is great for holding the glasses and manuals and the metal top plate help protect the fiber optic cable because it fits into a slot. If you will be using the laser in a multi-room office, this cart offers the best overall performance and it can help extend the life of the system.



Every detail on the EVOlaser is top-of-line and that extends to the water-resistant carrying case (included).

This not one of those cheap aluminum hard cases that weighs a lot but scratches and dents easily, this is the same type of water-resistant case (Pelican Style) used by professional photographers to protect their most expensive equipment. Inside the case is soft custom foam inserts for holding all your accessories. After seeing way to many damaged products caused by the problems with cheap aluminum cases, we specified the almost indestructible hard plastic case on the EVOlaser.

As of March, 2021, all EVOlaser will have the internal battery included in the price.


When you combine all these features with the exceptional support and service you get from ColdLasers.Org, you can't go wrong with an EVOlaser. Although we still call this system a cold laser, it does warm tissue to the touch so it includes training as part of the package to ensure maximum safety. Because this system is so intuitive, This training will be as long as you like but averages about 30 minutes and is done over the phone. This system is so intuitive that most users master the basic operation in just a few therapy sessions.

Training & Onboarding

Comprehensive Onboarding for Laser Excellence

Embark on your laser journey with confidence through our comprehensive onboarding process, an integral part of the ColdLasers.org experience. Our commitment goes beyond delivering cutting-edge laser products; we're dedicated to ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the full potential of your new acquisition.

Guided Onboarding: Mastering Your Laser

Our guided onboarding process combines training and support in one streamlined package. During a personalized virtual training session, typically completed in under an hour, our seasoned trainers will expertly guide you through every aspect of your laser system. From the initial setup to understanding its operation and performing routine maintenance, you'll gain a solid foundation that empowers you to hit the ground running.

Unlimited Access to Expert Support

At ColdLasers.org, we recognize that learning is an ongoing journey. After your onboarding training, our support remains unwavering. Our team of experts is available to you whenever you need assistance, advice, or troubleshooting – all without incurring additional fees. Whether you're aiming to optimize performance, explore advanced techniques, or resolve any challenges, our specialists are just a call or email away. By choosing ColdLasers.org, you're not simply purchasing a product; you're entering a partnership focused on your success. Our training and support ensure you're primed to achieve exceptional results with your laser, every step of the way.


All 3 systems include the laser controller, standard emitter, hard case, 3 pairs of glasses, manuals and training. The price also include shipping.

This system can be sold to professionals and for home use..

Comparison of class 4 lasers*

Product Infra Red Power Interface Emitter Output Price






4 Wavelength 27,200mW

7.2 inch touch

Metal standoff

CW and Pulse




Pilot Laser 9,000mW@810nm LED with membrane keypad Aluminium cylinder CW and 1 Pulse Option $7,995
Desktop 5000
5,000mW@810nm LCD Smooth glass direct emitter CW Only $6,999


LiteForce Pro

9,000mW@980nm 8 inch Touch Roller ball CW and Pulse $17,000?


LiteForce Ex

15,000mW non-adjustable blend of 80% 980nm & 20% 810nm 8 inch Touch Roller ball CW and Pulse $25,000 and Up?


LiteForce Exp

15,000mW non-adjustable blend of 80% 980nm & 20% 810nm 12 inch Touch Roller ball CW and Pulse $35,000?

Eltech K-Laser™ Cube 3


15,000 mW ISP
12,000mW CW -
100mW @ 635nm 12,000mW 810nm
12,000mW 980nm
4.8 inch Touch Metal standoff can be used unattended CW and Pulse $19,950

Eltech K-Laser™ Cube 4

20,000 mW ISP
15,000mW CW -
100mW @ 635nm
12,000mW 810nm
20,000mW 910nm
12,000mW 980nm

4.8 inch Touch Metal standoff can be used unattended Most protocols are based on Pulsing but can do CW




Detailed Specifications

EVOLaser Systems Specs
Touch Screen 7.2-inch full color
Internal Library Searchable by condition
Custom Protocols Yes
Warranty 5 Years
Included Accessories Heavy-Duty Carrying Case, Safety Goggles (2 pairs), Therapy Handpiece, and full documentation
Options Portable Cart
System Controller
Weight 5 lbs / 2 Kg
Dimensions 7.5” (W) X 7.6” (L) X 11”(H)
Operating Voltage 110/220 VAC, 5A, 50/60 Hz
Laser Peak Power S9: 9W (9,000mW)
D30: 25W (25,000mW)
Q27: 27W (27,000mW)
Laser Class 4
Fiber Optic Connection 400 microns with a SMA905 connectors
Operating Parameters
Laser S9: 810nm
D30: 810nm /980nm
Q27: 810nm /980nm / 635nm / 910nm
Emitter GaAlAs Diode Laser
Operating Mode Continuous Wave (CW), Pulsing (Frequency) Single, or Repeat Variable Pulse
Pulse Duration 10µs-3s
Repetition Rate 0.2Hz-20KHz
Aiming Beam Red Diode Laser, Wavelength: 635nm, Power:1-3mW
Self-Calibrating Yes


It's unbelieveable. I was injured really bad 37 year ago and I had a lot of deep scar tissue. I'm a licensed P.T. so over the years, I had tried everything. Then I got treated with an EVO and the results were incredible. I can't believe that this technology is not everywhere. - Debra T.

"I love my laser. Thank you so much for help me get the EVOlaser. It is a nessesary addition to my practice and my patients thank you as well. They love it." - Dr EH ( who owns several other lasers)

" The EVOlaser is incredible. We also have an much more expensive quad wavelength systems and the EVOlaser out performs it consistently. Our patients are loving it." - Dr. TC (South Carolina)


Here are a few reasons to buy from ColdLasers.Org
Gold Star ColdLasers is a "Brick and Mortar"
Located at 913 Main Street in Louisville, CO, we are no virtual store front, we are the biggest and best PBM store in the US.
Gold Star The Best Support in the Laser Industry
We will do everything in our power to make sure you get unbiased advice, the best training and the best support.
Gold Star
The Industries Best Protocol Library
Every laser comes with the Laser-Therapy.US library. This app follows the best practices for laser therapy and dynamically creates pictorial treatment plans for over 250 different conditions for humans, pets and horses. This is the best training tool in the industry.
Gold Star No Sales Tax Outside Colorado
The price on the site is the total price if you live outside of Colorado.
Gold Star Warranty Support
All our system include a warranty between 1 and 5 years. If there is a problem, contact us and we will help you.
Gold Star 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee
Pros get a 30-day 100% money back guarantee on any new system. Home users get a 30-day guarantee but pay a 15% restocking fee.
Gold Star Custom Marketing Support
With any Pro system over $5000, you get a custom marketing kit . We send you original artwork including flyers, pamphlets and posters.
Gold Star The ColdLasers.Org Reputation
Since 2002, we have supported tens of thousands of customers and maintained a 5-Star rating. You can trust ColdLasers.Org.
Gold Star An A+ BBB Accredited Business
As a top-rated BBB business, ColdLasers.Org has established itself as "The Trusted Name In Cold Lasers".
Gold Star Low Price Guarantee
ColdLasers.Org will beat any published competitive price and give you better support and training.
Gold Star Free Shipping
Every cold laser system over $2000 includes free 3-Day shipping to anywhere in the US and Canada.
Gold Star We Accept all Major Credit cards Credit cards accepted
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Gold Star Financing for Professionals Available
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